I regularly share my knowledge on stage.

I love events where I can see insights and breakthroughs in real time. My favourite way? Workshops and cohorts where I can guide entrepreneurs in taking less and doing more. Here are a few recent examples.


Preparing your first investor pitch deck

April 11, 2023

What should you include in your pitch deck? Josh David Miller gives you a framework to help you create your first deck or improve your existing one.

I assume you’re wrong, and so should you!

Feb 27, 2023 @ Sacramento State University

Guest lecture for the University's Certificate in Innovation & Entrepreneurship. The mindset of testing & validating assumptions to develop products customers actually want.

Cohort programs

Rapid Prototyping Cohort

June 2023

A 6-week cohort program where founders find traction by creating a prototype, putting it in front of customers, and iterating — 5 times in 6 weeks.

Startup Challenge

Mar 31-Apr 2, 2023 (Sacramento, CA)

A 3-day cohort program where founders and aspiring entrepreneurs learn how to launch a new startup or find traction in an existing one — by doing it.

Traction Thinking Prototyping Cohort

Oct-Nov, 2022 (Virtual)

A 5-week cohort program where founders find traction by creating a prototype, putting it in front of customers, and iterating — 4 times in 5 weeks.


1 Million Cups Sacramento

Every Wednesday @ 9am on Zoom

A weekly founder forum where two entrepreneurs get 6 minutes to talk about their startups, followed by 15-20 minutes of Q&A from an audience fo their peers, for advice and feedback.

Pitch Elk Grove

May 18th, 2023

In partnership with StartupSac, the City of Elk Grove runs an annual competition for venture-sackable startups to compete for $17,500 in non-dilutive prize money.

Founder-Mentor Speed Dating

May 3rd

Mentor Sprint is like speed dating for entrepreneurs and mentors. Mentors and founders will meet in 15-minute sprint sessions in the Carlsen Center. During each session, founders will provide details on their company and ask mentors for advice. Founders will have the opportunity to get expert feedback from a variety of sources and backgrounds.


Startup Pitch Workshop Series

Every 3rd Wednesday

At this virtual event,  you’ll have the chance to present a 5-minute startup pitch to seasoned pitch coaches and receive valuable feedback. If you wow the coaches, they may invite you to pitch to a curated group of angel investors.

Thinking in Design Sprints

July 13, 2022 @ Innovation Rodeo (Calgary, AB)

How startup founders can leverage design sprints (and design sprint thinking) to find traction — or fail fast trying.